import { Utils, RequestCommandId, ResponseCommandId, NiimbotBluetoothClient, ImageEncoder, NiimbotSerialClient, } from "@mmote/niimbluelib"; let client = null; const bleConnectButton = document.querySelector("button.connect.ble"); const serialConnectButton = document.querySelector("button.connect.serial"); const disconnectButton = document.querySelector("button.disconnect"); const printButton = document.querySelector("button.print"); const logPane = document.querySelector(".logger"); const canvas = document.querySelector("canvas"); /** Draw canvas test content */ const repaint = () => { const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.lineWidth = 3; // fill background ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // draw diagonal line ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0, ctx.lineWidth / 2); ctx.lineTo(canvas.width, canvas.height-ctx.lineWidth / 2); ctx.stroke(); // draw border ctx.strokeRect(0.5, 0.5, canvas.width - 1, canvas.height - 1); }; /** Add text to log pane */ const logger = (text) => { console.log(text); logPane.innerText += text + "\n"; logPane.scrollTop = logPane.scrollHeight; }; /** Instantiate client */ const newClient = (transport) => { if (client) { client.disconnect(); } if (transport === "ble") { client = new NiimbotBluetoothClient(); } else if (transport === "serial") { client = new NiimbotSerialClient(); } client.on("packetsent", (e) => { logger(`>> ${Utils.bufToHex(e.packet.toBytes())} (${RequestCommandId[e.packet.command]})`); }); client.on("packetreceived", (e) => { logger(`<< ${Utils.bufToHex(e.packet.toBytes())} (${ResponseCommandId[e.packet.command]})`); }); client.on("connect", () => { logger("connected"); disconnectButton.disabled = false; printButton.disabled = false; bleConnectButton.disabled = true; serialConnectButton.disabled = true; }); client.on("disconnect", () => { logger("disconnected"); disconnectButton.disabled = true; printButton.disabled = true; bleConnectButton.disabled = false; serialConnectButton.disabled = false; }); client.on("printprogress", (e) => { logger(`Page ${}/${e.pagesTotal}, Page print ${e.pagePrintProgress}%, Page feed ${e.pageFeedProgress}%`); }); }; /** On "Disconnect" clicked */ disconnectButton.onclick = () => { client.disconnect(); client = null; } /** On "Connect BLE" clicked */ bleConnectButton.onclick = async () => { newClient("ble"); try { await client.connect(); } catch (e) { alert(e); } }; /** On "Connect Serial" clicked */ serialConnectButton.onclick = async () => { newClient("serial"); try { await client.connect(); } catch (e) { alert(e); } }; /** On "Print" clicked */ printButton.onclick = async () => { /** left or top */ const printDirection = "left"; const quantity = 1; /** Convert image to black and white bits */ const encoded = ImageEncoder.encodeCanvas(canvas, printDirection); /** todo: Auto-detection works only for a small set of printers so manual user selection is required */ const printTaskName = client.getPrintTaskType() ?? "D110"; const printTask = client.abstraction.newPrintTask(printTaskName, { totalPages: quantity, statusPollIntervalMs: 100, statusTimeoutMs: 8_000, }); try { await printTask.printInit(); await printTask.printPage(encoded, quantity); await printTask.waitForFinished(); } catch (e) { alert(e); } finally { await client.abstraction.printEnd(); } }; repaint();